Monday, November 13, 2006

Something Truly Rotten in Denmark

I was shocked to see this story on the BBC News website.

"The editor and two reporters from one of Denmark's main newspapers have gone on trial charged with publishing secret intelligence about Iraqi weapons.

In articles published in 2004 they quoted from analysis by a Danish intelligence agent, Frank Grevil.

His report, written before the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, concluded that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq."

I wouldn't have been surprised to see this happen in the UK, given that (a) Blair was such an enthusiastic pusher of the WMD fantasy and (b) that the Brits get extremely knicker-twisted at the slightest breach of the Official Secrets Act - even, as in this case, when the end result is that truth is revealed and lies exposed.

But in Denmark?

These guys should be lauded as heroes, not threatened with prison.

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